

  • Healing services
  • Spirit Art : Guides Portraits and Healing Art
  • Animal communication and healing
  • Meditation
  • Home and business treatments
  • Courses and teaching

Healing services

Belief is not at all required for a healing session to work. But being open to receiving helps.

Some of the benefits of Spiritual and energy healing work may include :

 – Increased joy & vitality, and reduced stress

 – Greater ability to manage stress

   (stressful situations become  easier)

 – Deeper sense of peace and calm

 – Get your energy moving as the next step in your growth

   and development

 – Bring your energy into balance

 –  Rise in one’s own frequency (eg. elevated mood)

 – Create a breakthrough in your career & relationships

 – Release the tension around past experiences

 – Move beyond limitations which make you feel stuck in life

 – Bring a sense of peace and new possibilities in your life

 – Shift in dynamic in relationships (people or situations)

 – Enhanced creativity flow and problem solving,

   private or work related


In a distance  group session, we do not talk with one another while the session is happening.

No prior experience is necessary. The group is often quite diverse with regard to age, country, and specific concerns. This group is limited by Number of participants, subscribers have priority in scheduling.

Remote Energy Clearing  and Balance

Group Sessions

Is there a simple yet powerful way to release stress and energies you no longer need?

Yes, and it brings you into balance so that you can experience the beauty of life with joy, happiness, freedom and peace of mind, fully in alignment and ready for healing as well.        Read More…

€ 11  per session

€ 33 per 4 sessions ( 1 gratis)

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Remote Energy Healing Group Sessions

 A variety of modalities will be applied, Reiki, Biorgonomy, Energy Codes and Scalar Waves, and some more,

 as the energy of the group needs at particular time, none of which require you to sit or lay down while in session.          Read More…

€ 11  per session

€ 33 per 4 sessions ( 1 gratis)

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Daily energy healing weeks

2 weeks of daily short treatment for the purpose of balancing, energizing and supporting the healing of your own body at time chosen. Please choose time when you can sit or lay down for at least 10 minutes, possible immediately after waking up, during the midday or lunch . No need for live connection. This is an offline distant treatment modality.

If you are already  having problems related to sleep, this treatment would maybe not be for you prior to sleep. Or you can experiment  😉

Certainly helped many who are working the night shift !

No treatment on your Sundays ! You can sleeeeeeeep 🤗


€ 88 , for 12 treatments ( € 7.33 per session)

book 1st available time, then email me for exact time of the treatments

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30 Minute Distance Energy Healing Session – offline

This is a private session for one person , third parties excluded.

This energy healing session may include any of the healing practices,

Reiki, Biorgonomy, Energy Codes and Scalar Waves, and more to clear, balance and transmutate your mental, emotional and physical state.

Specific concerns and issues can be directly addressed. If you wish,

Please list concerns in the email

It is however not necessary if you cannot formulate or pinpoint the reason or concern right now. Read More…

   € 111 per session

€ 404  per package of 4 weekly sessions ( € 101 per session)


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 45 Minute Distance Energy healing Session –live

This is a live session, over an online connection of choice, like Zoom, and the energy work is done while you sit, and are alone in quiet place, without disturbances.

This is a private session for one person , third parties excluded.

This energy work session may include any of the healing modalities  such as Reiki, Biorgonomy, Energy Codes and Scalar Waves  as well as others, to clear, balance and heal, transmutate / transform your mental, emotional and physical state.

It is same as the offline session, only that issues and  concerns, as well as the first feedback will be integrated online immediately. Read More…

    € 133 per session

€ 444 for 4 Sessions pack  (€ 111 per session, for the same person or different family member, usable within same month)


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Trance / Spiritual healing session

At the moment done only remotely as well, these healing sessions are done as a stand alone healing.

No need for prior definition of the reason or the need for the session, as the healing is channeled directly from the  source, and therefore passing through me as the healing  medium channel, providing the healing resonance and physical energy.

What is needed will be provided.

I work as a channel for divine energy, with light beings you may know as Archangels, Ascended Masters, and with my Spirit Healing team of Doctors and Healers, and all the helpers from the unseen Earthly realm.Read More…

€ 133 per session

€ 444 for 4 Sessions package  ( € 111 per session, for the same person or different family member, usable within same month)

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Trance  healing/ channeling session with recording

This is a combined session, with the purpose of not only healing, but also providing guidance or  wisdom for the client from the Spirit World.

As a part of this session, there is an element of the direct channeling, or communication from the Spirit World, that will be recorded and sent to the client, over a chosen online communication. Read More…

€ 166 per session ( 133 healing + 33 for the channeled recording)

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Spirit Portraits and Spirit  healing Art


Spirit Guide Drawing , Mediumship session

For all of us aware of the Spirit World, there is no surprise or news that we have Spirit Guide. Or is it ?! 🙂

 Guides is more correct to say, as there are at any given point more then one Spirit Guide connected to us.

For all others, it might be a discovery or unbelievable news! I know, I know… 🙂

 Read More…

€ 66 per Portrait + postal charges if shipped

book 1st available time, then email me for exact time  

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Spirit  healing  Art , healing Mediumship session

This is the artistic healing Mediumship session !

Yes, you read that right….it is the Spiritual Healing presented in the form or Art,it is not for decor only, but can be as well.

The purpose is to bring you the healing from the spiritual and angelic realms in a material artistic piece.

The healing energies are induced into the Art, done by me while in connection with Spirits and Angels. So kind of done by Spirits and Angels ?! And you have it to immerge into those healing energies as long as you need or wish for. There is no need to state the concern and reason behind ordering this service,

Spirits and /or Angels  will know !

It is in form of painting, done on the paper suitable  for paint used, no canvases! Can be done in acrylics, pastels or watercolors or mixed media, chosen by the inspirer from the spiritual and/or angelic realm.

€ 66 per painting + postal charges.


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Animal Communication and/or  Animal Healing session

I am animal lover, believe you are as well if you are reading this  now 🙂

Sometimes we are concerned or unsure of well being, or behavior of our animal companions, our mostly furry or fluffy friends  but can be other kind as well…we all are created equal, no matter of skin, or fur or feather !

And there are times we would like them to know something we would like them to do, or not to do.And there are times we simply want to know more about them.

The occasions such as travel, move or major change in our life affect our animal companions too. Let them know you care this way as well,

inquire about them, check upon them or reassure them and explain  the life events too.

This is not replacement for veterinary advice or service!!!

Healing is can be added to communication or done at the different time.

Please , be aware that animals are not as chatty as humans, sometimes not willing to communicate at all. At times there has to be communication attempted more than once, on different days. There is no real scheduling for this service, it can be booked anytime, and I will respond to do it at the 1st available time, after the clear photo, name and issue or questions have been sent tome me


€ 44   Animal distant communication, with  one animal companion, not for domestic or wild animal, recorded report sent

€ 66 Animal communication with the distance healing, done immediately after the communication, not for domestic or wild animal, one animal, recorded report sent

€ 44 Animal energy  or spiritual healing, One animal companion or wild animal you are helping, not suitable for live stock, done without communication, distant healing, no report.

book 1st available time

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Personal Guided meditation – recording

Let us create and record a guided meditation, tailored specifically to your interest and needs!

This 30 min offering is a personal one, offering guidance in meditating. Or just a change in your meditating routine? Or do you have a particular wish for?

Your wishes and interests, as well as needs can be stated per email after the booking any session time, at

Suitable for the beginner in meditation,or for meditator exploring and searching for the new meditation experience.

The best part is that you can play the recording at home anytime, even daily if you wish so. Will be delivered digitally over a chosen online platform

within a week of the payment , if schedule allows 🙂

€ 111  per meditation recording

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Healing guided meditation


Meditations are many, and are not created equal !

Have you heard that one ?!

Well, this one is a special,

it consists of the guided meditation , combined with energy and spiritual healing components for relaxed and healing experience.

It will be done live, for one person, needs or interests as well as wishes can be stated in email after the payment.

€ 155 per month, 4 sessions, once a week, at the same chosen time

( € 38.50 per session)

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Home and business treatments

Residential ( home) Clearings and Balancing


Request for your own home. Do not get involved in your neighbours’ !

Home  should be a safe and welcoming sacred space !

We would like it to feel secure, relaxing, amazing and filled with good energy.

It can also stimulate our relationships, first to ourselves then others.

One thing for sure, it is GREAT idea to have your home purified when you buy a new place!

 Read More…

€ 555 per unit ( Family home, either one house or apartment )

book 1st available time, then we can meet and go over the details

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Business harmonising and balancing treatment


There are many solutions to a certain problem in business.

The crucial one could be that the energies of the working environment are nor harmonious, are not cleared and balanced .

Or is a certain team struggling for no apparent reason?

Or a certain department not functioning despite impeccable management?

Contact me, and let us work on the clearing and balancing the energies.

It might be the solution you never knew existed 😎  I know it can be the last resource.

This service is tailored to a very specific need of your business Company. Confidential as all my services are.

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