It’s best to consider a proactive approach when working on your healing and spiritual advancement. I suggest booking sessions with no expectations and no urgency . And joining the group sessions is always a good start until you get your individual session. 

If you think this group healing is less than a “real” session, you’re wrong. It is just shorter and more general healing, dependent each time of the needs of the whole group at present at that time.

Energy healing is using universal source energy or Spirit to help facilitate natural healing in your mind, body and spirit. This kind of description implies being delivered through the physical human as the healing channel .Everything is energy.

Since energy travels at the speed of light, it is virtually instant in our perception. Most of us have experienced a form of this and not realized it. Have you ever been thinking of someone you know, and the phone rings and it’s them? Or you call them and they say they were just thinking about you? That is a very basic form and example of energetic connection. You have a connection to that person already. When they start thinking about you, or you them, the connection already begins. Basically that’s what happens in a session with me, and I channel healing energy towards you. 

Reiki means “life force.” Practitioners are attuned (opened to the flow of Reiki energy) by a Reiki Master Teacher. The Reiki energy then flows through them to support the healing of people, animals, inanimate objects, situations, even projects! Practitioners work without intent, allowing Reiki to go where it is needed for healing.

I am Master Teacher of several different Reiki traditions.

No! But it is needed to be open to the possibilities. Belief is not at all required for it to work. I work with energy, if you are blocked or unwilling to be open, it will be extremely difficult for me to work with that energy.   

It is maybe correct to call energy healing kind of “Energetic Purging”

Your body is constantly changing – both cellularly and energetically. On a basic level, your body’s goal is to maintain stasis – even if some part or parts of you are currently unhealthy, your body will still try to maintain some sense of equilibrium around the unhealthy parts.  The goal of energetic healing work is to remove stagnant and stuck energy that is holding you back and replace it with dynamic cleansed energy. When you do this, there’s going to be a significant shift in the balance that your body has worked hard to create and maintain.

 Healing work is usually about releasing the patterns of stuckness that no longer serve you. Something led you to healing work in the first place.  If it’s not acute or obvious illness, then maybe it’s a feeling of your life being “off,” or something not feeling quite right.  Whatever your reasons to begin healing work, the goal is generally to feel better.

I do not.  A ‘curse’ is someone’s intention to cause harm. We have very little control over other people’s intentions and actions, however, the stronger and more solid you are as a being in your own energy, doesn’t matter what intention a person may have in terms of putting a ‘curse’ on you, it will not effect you.  So again, it is all about how you vibrate, the higher you vibrate in terms of energy, the less likely a lower energy will effect you.

Some say I did it but  I am not a fortune teller.  Spirit will offer you guidance based on your individual situation, some of this may be future probable outcomes.  Also, please remember that much of your future is in your hands.

Energy is always in motion and therefore, probabilities can and do change. 

Please note that I my work is  higly focused on empowering you, and keeping your power. You are the one who is ultimately responsible for every choice you make and the consequences as well.

At no point will I or Spirit tell you what to do, this would disregard the basic universal law of free will . Spirit will offer you guidance

Simply said ‘BE AT LEAST OPEN’. 

There are a few things to consider for this, but basically, what is it that you want or need? Do you want healing or growth? Do you want more connection to your guides? Do you need clearings? Do you just want to experience something new? Or do you want just to “check me out?”

Clear sharp picture of animal alone is needed, no other person or animal on it, and the eyes have to be seen clearly 🙂

For group sessions, and all off line sessions it does not matter. Ada will start the session on time. For live sessions, Ada will wait for up to 5 minutes for you to join the session. After this, she will close the session and DO THE HEALING IF THAT WAS THE PART OF THE SESSION. Or just leave. Time late is time lost. There are usually  back-to-back sessions and I cannot extend them beyond the scheduled time.