Individual Energy Healing sessions


2 weeks of daily short treatment for the purpose of balancing , energizing and supporting  the  healing of your own body at time chosen.

No need for live connection, this is a distant  treatment modality.

If you can, please choose time when you can sit or lay down for at least 10 minutes, possible immediately after waking up, during the midday or lunch . If you are not able to rest, know that it will still work, just you might not be able to be aware of the subtle energies.Treatment will be done at the same time each day except on Sunday. Please choose the 1st available time slot, we will schedule it anyway by email you have given me.

If you are already  having problems related to sleep, this treatment would  maybe not be for you prior to sleep. Or you can experiment 🧐

Certainly helped many who are working the night shift !

No treatment on your Sundays ! You can sleeeeeeeep 😃

Limited places available !

€ 88  for 12 treatments, Payable as a package ( € 7.33 per session)

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