About us

Ada Drescher

Born natural healer, into the long ancestral line of gifted mediums, intuitives and healers.

I am passionate about empowering and uplifting, bringing Light and clarity,

as well as insights and healing to clear and balance emotional, mental and

physical energies.

It is never easy to say what you are or is it?!

At any given moment  we all grow and develop…so do I 😊

At the moment I am the channel for healing, Art, communication, divine guidance and philosophy.

You can translate that into Spiritual and Trance healer, Medium and channeler, Animal communicator and healer, Trance speaker and communicator, Spirit  Portrait Artist, Reiki master, teacher and practitioner of healing modalities such as  Angelic Healing, Biorgonomy, Pendulum healing, Energy Codes, Scalar Waves… and many intuitive combinations needed.


Yes, did I mention, I am highly sensitive and intuitive ?!


 As the walker on the shamanic path, I am  open to receiving insights and help from Nature, Spiritual and Human Worlds.

Tightly connected to the Mother Earth and Her energies,

I work and can communicate with many worlds within worlds,

 the Elements and their Elementals, mineral, plant, animal worlds,

and some hidden realms to the most human eyes, open to walkers of the

shamanic path…