Trance healing/ channeling session with recording

This is a combined session, with the purpose of not only healing, but also providing guidance or  wisdom for the client from the Spirit World.

As a part of this session, there is an element of the direct channeling, or communication from the Spirit World, that will be recorded and sent to the client, over a chosen online communication.

No need for prior definition of the reason or the need for the session, as the healing is channeled directly from the  source, and therefore  passing through me as the healing  medium channel, providing the healing resonance and physical energy.

What is needed will be provided.

The healing priority is sometimes not as we perceive it, so in some cases, the condition, symptom we want to have healing or improvement done on, is not what is the most important to heal in us.

Sometimes, there is miraculous immediate improvement  of the certain symptom or not immediately noticeable healing of  the source of these symptoms too.

There is no possibility to communicate with me as the healing medium during the trance state, and also immediately after the healing has been done.

If there is no channeling provided in the same session as the healing, there will be one separate part of this session, at no additional cost.

If for some reason, and there are cases when it can happen, there is no channeling and/or recording is not delivered, you will be notified,

so you can decide how to use or receive the money back for the channeling part of this session.

You can give your feedback  via email

Recording only in English. Unless the spirits speak through me in a different language J